A new pair of handcuffs this time: the KUB industries model 914, or ‘arm screws’ as they call them. We put these heavy restraints on a new girl: the beautiful blonde Brittany! Now Brittany has to work out how to escape from these strange handcuffs. They are padlocked, so first she needs to reach the keyhole, and remove the padlock. Not an easy task when your wrists are clamped down. Then she has to unscrew the wingnut, and eventually she managed to escape! Beauty AND brains… wow!

This sexy blonde needs some chinese leg irons and bri-circle handcuffs.
Not that I don’t enjoy every update, but I think you show cuff more girls who are wearing socks. You would attract a wider set of viewers by combining the handcuff and sock fetish.
Definitely a second on the socks. I think cuffedfeet site would have benefitted from this as well and not had to close…
I will definitely third the socks. More people would visit this site and buy your products. Definitely think about it.
I’m also in favor with the socks idea