GIC604 - Vanessa R
in Connector chain and Handcuff Helpers and Peerless model 700 handcuffs and Peerless model 703 leg irons and Waist chainVanessa R is a rising star in the bondage world. She seems to get tied up, gagged, and cuffed everywhere, travelling to anyone who wants to take pictures and videos of her in restraints. She absolutely loves handcuffs! But Vanessa is one of the most slender girls in the world, with crazy thin wrists, and a tiny waist. We can wrap a normal waist chain around her 3 times! And to prevent her slipping out of the handcuffs, we had to use handcuff helpers to make the cuffs smaller. Connecting her wrists to her waist and then to her ankles with a connector chain finally made everything secure enough. This one is hard to cuff!!