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January 12th, 2007

Lady Cyberia is under arrest! She is told to put prisoner restraints on herself, the Ralkem model 9926 prison belt with Peerless handcuffs and Chicago legirons. Lady C obeys reluctantly. When she is fully restrained, she tests the strength of the restraints, but there’s no chance of escape. Check out this great picture set and the video!

July 1st, 2006

What happens when you give Lady Cyberia 2 pairs of Clejuso model 15 (heavy!), a pair of Chicago legirons and a pair of thumbcuffs? Something creative happens! It’s fun to see a model think of new ways to cuff herself! As a big bonus this week, we have added 3 video clips of this Lady Cyberia set. If you want to hear and see how heavy those Clejuso’s really are, you have to see these great vids :-)

plus bonus video!

February 10th, 2006

You might recognise Lady Cyberia from other websites, but this time she is the one in cuffs!! Not just some standard cuffs, but a beautiful design we have admired from the moment the first pictures of it appeared on the internet! We got ourselves a nice Rigidfiddle model ‘oo’ (neck and wrists in a straight line) from and we are planning to do some very nice sets with it :-) The fiddle is very small, but luckily Lady Cyberia fit into it and we got some very beautiful shots of Lady C’s beautiful face and hands locked into this wicked contraption! There is also a short video clip in this update!

plus bonus video!