GIC556 - Cassie and Kitty
in Hiatt's model #2050 handcuffs and KUB 914 Bagno arm screw and KUB 917 'Irish Eight' lady size handcuffsTall Dutch girls with slender arms! We love them! Cassie is our elbow bondage wonder, and she brought a friend name Kitty who is flexible too! Not as flexible as Cassie… but Cassie is in a league of her own (she even did PALMS OUT extreme elbow cuffing, remember?). Locked in snap shut Irish 8’s, we slowly prepare them for the big moment: duo elbow cuffing! Cassie in the super tight Bagno arm screw of course, Kitty in the Hiatt’s 2050 hinged handcuffs. So tight! Such slender arms! We couldn’t do it for too long because Kitty needed to be released, but we got some beautiful images!!