Kasia loved the ASP hinged cuffs last time because they were very restrictive. We mentioned speedcuffs are even more rigid, and she said ‘really? let’s try those then!’. That’s very exciting, a girl who is asking to be cuffed in a specific type of handcuffs. We let her try the speedcuffs in all kinds of poses and positions, and Kasia concluded she liked them even more than the ASP cuffs! She asked if she could keep them! We are pretty sure she would not use them on herself, but she would go around cuffing lots of other people, Kasia seems to be a very dominant girl!
Sexy Kasia with her perfect nails! This raven haired girl did not like to get cuffed at all! She is very posh and likes her freedom a lot. She was trying to break those ASP hinged cuffs all the time, but of course that was impossible. Most girls come here because they want to try cuffs, but Kasia just wanted to make a bit of money. She regretted it almost instantly, she can’t stand being cuffed. Behind the back is especially hard for her!