GIC691 - Cobie
in Blue box and Custom locking metal collar and Peerless model 700 handcuffs and Peerless model 703 leg irons and Waist chainCobie is back! This famous bondage model from Australia loves restraints so much, she actually has said that she should be in cuffs ALL of the time! With so much experience in cuffs, we needed to make sure she was locked up very securely! This girl needs high security restraints, so she can’t even get out if she gets her hands on a key. That is why we put her in a waist chain, and covered the handcuffs in a blue box to be locked to her waist. The waist chain was also connected to her leg irons. A standard prison configuration, and Cobie loved every minute of it! She is right: she should be cuffed ALL of the time.