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May 7th, 2010

Little Charlie :-) We almost feel sorry for her as we lock her into these big East German restraints. But Charlie models them very well! She could actually do a VOPO ad campaign, if these cuffs were still on the market today. The rounded handcuffs and leg irons are actually very comfortable to wear, and Charlie did not mind wearing them at all, although she found the ankle cuffs a little hard to walk around in, since they are connected by a steel cable instead of a chain. Oh well, you can’t have it all :-)

April 30th, 2010

Introducing Angelica… she has never been cuffed before until this photo shoot! Here is her first experience in handcuffs, she looks so good with her wrists in the very restrictive model 2050 handcuffs, check out that first preview picture! We also used the heavy chain Hiatt Thompson leg irons over her boots, and some thumbcuffs to complete this set. For Angelica, it was an experience she will never forget. We have a feeling she will be back, some fan mail or requests for her may help ;-)

April 23rd, 2010

Beautiful sparkly girl Debbie asked us if we needed any more pictures of her. Are you kidding! Get over here! :-) We decorated her using an elegant neck cuff, a pair of long chain handcuffs, and some thumbcuffs. We locked her ankles into a pair of Irish 8 restraints, and then we decided to change Debbie to a legs crossed position. It turns out to be one of the most restricting leg positions we have ever done! Debbie just loves to help us finding new and interesting ways to put girls in cuffs, and she always wants to unlock herself, our help is not allowed, even if it takes very long…

plus bonus video!

April 16th, 2010

Cory is a very tiny girl from Romania. She is so small, we have to use the special ‘juvenile’ handcuffs on her (model JN-105) or she will slip out of the handcuffs. And she is the first model who needs to have her connector chain shortened by a padlock. After all these adjustments however, Cory is restrained very well and she isn’t going anywhere fast. She wasn’t planning on leaving anyway, since she had such a good time playing and posing in cuffs! Here is a girl who really loves her cuffs! She almost seems hesitant to release herself when we finally decide to toss her the keys.

plus bonus video!

April 9th, 2010

Daisy is back for her second cuffing! She is a professional burlesque model, so let’s see if she can pose in handcuffs, elbow cuffs, and ankle cuffs! It turns out to be pretty difficult, especially since the Alcyon 5250 on her elbows only have two short links between the oversized cuffs. This is particularly challenging when we cuff her elbows behind her back, but Daisy handles it like a pro. Let’s give her the keys, will she be the first to escape from elbow cuffs? Watch and see!

plus bonus video!

April 2nd, 2010

As our regular model Alecia was lounging around the GiC headquarters anyway, we asked her: ‘Hey, did we ever fiddle you?’. She gave us the ultimate answer: ‘What’s a fiddle?’. And here is the result: Alecia in a RigidFiddle and Irish 8 leg irons. So that’s wrists, neck, and ankles tightly restrained all because of a silly answer! Alecia didn’t mind, she knows she will be restrained when she comes over, and she actually thought the RigidFiddle was one of the most comfortable things she experienced over here. Don’t you just love girls like Alecia? :-)

March 26th, 2010

Tall girl Tamara is even taller today, wearing her pink heels. She looks great in jeans and pink top, but what should be pick from our collection to complement her outfit? Eventually we decide on Ralkem restraints. Only 2 pieces of gear to totally restrain a powerful model isn’t bad! We cuff her in the Ralkem model 9930 combination, so her wrists and ankles are nice and secure. We add the Ralkem transport belt to keep her hands down and chained to her waist! No padlocks needed! Can Tamara unlock herself?

plus bonus video!

March 19th, 2010

It’s madness! Very close friends Sammie and Floor are back again to drive us crazy! Give these girls some cuffs and they go totally insane! We decided to cuff them in a hugging position, back to back, and later in front. There was a lot of silly stuff going on, which you can see in the large picture set. Surely enough, there were also some tender and intimate moments. Followed by total mayhem about three seconds later… these girls are insane! We like it! Oh, and there’s a silly unlocking video too :-)

plus bonus video!

March 12th, 2010

We sure hope you are in a yellow mood today, because Peaches showed up at our studio wearing all yellow! It actually looks very good on her, but then again… everything probably looks good on Peaches. Our range of Peerless restraints, for example, they look amazing on her! Peaches is a classic beauty, who only stops talking long enough to take a picture. She didn’t think it was necessary to remove the cuffs during breaks, so we had a fully restrained Peaches drinking tea and chatting along… nice!

March 5th, 2010

A new month, a new model! Amazing how many girls keep lining up to get cuffed. Kim was one of the most eager models to email us, so we invited her over for some tryouts. It has been a while since we used our Clejuso high security restraints, and Kim was more than happy to try them on. They are heavy, which is always good, and they require special keys to open. The locks are positioned on the sides, so we thought it would be interesting to see if Kim could unlock them herself. Too easy? Maybe. But Kim will be back soon and we (or even better: you) will think of something more challenging!

plus bonus video!

February 26th, 2010

Tiny British model Gemma returns to for a mission impossible! The thing is, she doesn’t know it’s impossible. You see, we have cuffed her to a chair using a nice range of Hiatts restraints. This includes two pairs of handcuffs, elbows cuffed by the infamous hinged model 2060, and leg irons of course. We have added some thumbcuffs, first to her thumbs, but later we decided they would look better on her big toes. Then we told her it’s possible to escape from all this, without using a key. Check out Gemma muttering to herself as she tries to work out how it’s done. You know the answer…

plus bonus video!

February 19th, 2010

Gwen is back! After some trouble with her agency (she is a fashion model) for shooting with us, she decided she likes us more than her current fashion agency! Yes, here’s a girl with long brown hair, killer eyes, and hot legs wanting to be in cuffs more than in fashion. Well, that’s how we interpreted it anyway… We had a great time putting this catwalk model into restraints normally used for high security prisoners. High heels and S&W 1900 are are great match. A purple dress and waist chain are our idea of high fashion! Seeing Gwen trying to work out how to open a Blue Box is priceless!

plus bonus video!

February 12th, 2010

Menottes!! Our French members love Rivolier cuffs, and we think they are on to something. These cuffs are very secure and their oval shape keeps the wrists in a unique position! The leg irons are nice and sturdy and still comfortable for walking around. Remember Charlie, our Xmas girl? She seemed like the perfect model to wear these French cuffs and show them to you. This young beautiful girl looks great in all brands of cuffs of course, so she will be back to showcase some more of our collection soon!

February 5th, 2010

Claire is a bit of a psycho… she can go from happy to mad to submsisive to shy in seconds. She can be incredibly happy and then suddenly get frustrated, starting to scream. Well, fortunately, there’s this guy named Martin. He invented the perfect device for girls like Claire. She can scream all she wants, she can beg, look innocent, or even smile, but there’s no escaping from the RigidFiddle. This should be a standard item in all mental clinics, it’s great for keeping girls from hurting anyone or themselves! Now, if we only could find someone who has the courage to let Claire out again…

January 29th, 2010

Kellie is a friend of Alecia who has often been here to watch Alecia get cuffed. Kellie loves the cuffs but she was afraid to do a photo shoot herself. Finally, she gathered enough courage to be a Girl In Cuffs! Please welcome Kellie in this great pair of TCH-840 handcuffs and Smith & Wesson’s model 1900 leg irons! We had a great time shooting and we are hoping that we can do a duo shoot with Alecia and Kellie soon, that will be fun, seeing these very close friends playing with cuffs!

January 22nd, 2010

Please welcome the beautiful princess Xiao to! This girl is stunning in her blue dress, and even more so when we added some cuffs. A pair of blue coated Smith & Wesson’s matches her dress nicely, and to keep her from running a pair of handcuffs on the ankles AND some toe cuffs. That should stop any princess from getting away before we get the chance to shoot a large number of pictures for today’s update. We had a lot of fun, and we are sure Xiao will be back often!!

January 15th, 2010

Mayke is in very good shape, but it can’t hurt to give her a good workout. We have to keep our models in shape! The training program is easy: just handcuff them to the workout equipment and don’t give them the keys until you’re satisfied they have done enough for that day. Mayke doesn’t mind, she loves to get a good workout, we even created a workout video!

plus bonus video!

January 8th, 2010

British model Amy returns to! And this time she put up quite a struggle! She is tightly cuffed in our American Munitions Company handcuffs and leg irons. The connector chain puzzles Amy for a moment, but then she starts to get out of the cuffs. With her hands behind her back, she accidentally manages to turn her wrists in a palms out position, making it even harder to escape. Which is the perfect moment to let her have the keys… see if she can get out of this mess!

plus bonus video!

January 1st, 2010

Happy New Year!! We thought we’d start off 2010 with our model Adinda, probably the most cheerful girl in the world! Could you cuff a girl staring at you with these big innocent eyes? Well, we can ;-) And we make sure her wrists and ankles close together for this update! Adinda may be a sporty girl, but there’s no way for her to escape these Irish 8 restraints! Well… until we give her the keys that is…

December 25th, 2009

Merry times here at the studios! We have presents, a sled, and yes… we even have snow!! It’s the most wonderful time of the year again, and as always we have a Christmas Girl in Cuffs! Our new model Charlie has had her wrists and ankles wrapped in presents from German manufacturer Clejuso. Quite impressive cuffing for a first time model, but Charlie is in a happy silly Xmas spirit, as you can see in this merry picture set! We wish everyone a very nice Christmas time and a happy New Year! We will see you in 2010, a new year full of Girls in Cuffs!

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