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February 22nd, 2013

Ashley Bulgari brought a new friend, like she always does! Maybe she thinks it is a little boring to get cuffed all alone, so this time she took her friend Tea along to be added to the models section! Black and blonde in matching pink underwear and matching handcuffs, how can you beat that! Ashley is cuffed in Smith & Wesson’s, while Tea is going for a Hiatt’s theme. Hinged cuffs, leg irons, and hot girls! We just love it!

February 15th, 2013

Beautiful blonde Jenni C is back! This time we will try to squeeze her into the little RigidFiddle model ‘oo’. The hands and neck are aligned in a row, as opposed to the model ‘8’ where the hands are next to each other. Jenni would love to try it, but she is a little afraid it will pinch her, because it is so small. Once we had her locked in, it turned out to be a very snug fit indeed! Jenni C in a small RigidFiddle, it probably does not get any better than this!

February 8th, 2013

Cuffing young Anthy was a delight! Locking this cheerful 18-year old in Irish 8’s on both her wrists and her ankles was a lot of fun, because Anthy is both lovely and insane. She absolutely loves and hates cuffs at the same time. She is like a curious cat, wanting to try on handcuffs, and then hating it the minute she is locked into them. She was laughing and cursing, her wrists and ankles stuck tightly together. Maybe she is a split personality? She definitely is cute and fierce in one tiny package!

February 1st, 2013

The beautiful and statuesque Angela P joins the ranks of models with a superb start: in lingerie and a fine selection of cuffs! Angela is handcuffed in the small Hiatt’s 2050 hinged cufs, and leg ironed in the Smith and Wessons’s model 1900 ankle cuffs! A pair of stretched Hiatt’s 2060 on her elbows complete today’s cuffing. Elbow cuffed in front and behind her back, Angela is still able to do the moves she learned in her career of lingerie modelling. It is so nice to be able to cuff all these gorgeous women! Welcome Angela, we hope you will come back often!

January 25th, 2013

Please welcome Victoria Sweet to! This young enthusiastic handcuff model was very eager to appear on the site, she wanted to give our shoots some more expression! Well, that is exactly what she did in this great update, cuffed in darby style cuffs, attached to her waist by a leather prisoner transport belt. The talented young Victoria Sweet manages to be cute, scary, agressive, submissive, and much more, all in one shoot! She looks gorgeous in restraints! We will invite her back for some more cuffing experiments… so she can express herself even more :-)

January 18th, 2013

The beautiful tall blonde from Scandinavia is back! Ingrid is cuffed in the AHC brand of restraints, a pair of N-105 on her wrists, the L-100 on her ankles, and then (of course) some N-520’s on her elbows! That’s a hard position for Ingrid, but she is tough and she loves a challenge! It gets even more challenging when we put her in a hogcuff position, moving the hinged elbow cuffs to her ankles, so she is really stuck! A little wiggling is all she can manage (and some cursing of course, but that is only natural when you’re hogcuffed).

January 4th, 2013

Our young new model Debs is in a hogcuffed position on her first shoot! She can not believe it, she has never been restrained like this before. She is doing great though, a real bondage talent, she loves struggling and experimenting with cuffs! A pair of hinged LIPS handcuffs tightly on her small wrists and a pair of Peerless leg irons on her high heeled jeans legs, this girl is a natural!

December 28th, 2012

Tiny Melissa U is dressed in pink today! Super tall pink heels and a knitted pink top, a very nice outfit for getting in trouble! We just have to go all AHC on her, mainly because her wrists are so small we need the JN-105 juvenile handcuffs to get a good inescapable fit! Melissa is quite flexible, so we cuff her elbows in a pair of regular N-105 handcuffs, but after a while we needed to release her, it was too much for her. The cuffs left some great red marks on her elbows though! She is a tough one! A hogcuff for her at the end of the shoot, just to leave her there for a while and watch her wriggle. Great model!

December 21st, 2012

In good tradition, here is the 2012 Christmas update!! Santa girl Natalia Forrest gets a present that really scares her! It is a RigidFidlde model ‘8’, and it costs about 600 euros, so we are not going to let this gift go to waste because our spoiled blonde does not like it. We just lock her in, and even though she is not happy about it, there is not much she can do, except screaming and rolling around under the Christmas tree. We are so going to enjoy this!! Don’t forget to check out our past Xmas updates: 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2005! Merry Christmas everyone!

December 14th, 2012

You have never seen this before! Brittany manages to escape from the RigidSpreader with the padlocks on the inside!! Watch this hot blonde struggle as she tries to wriggle the keys into the lock and then tries to get the pin out in her own unique way! We would never have thought it was possible, but there is no stopping Brittany! Well… okay, we should not have given her the keys of course…

December 7th, 2012

Sweet Tanya looks incredibly hot in handcuffs. She is used to being in restraints, she is a very productive handcuffs model, posing for a lot of different websites! The Smith & Wesson’s brand seems to fit her well, the lovely model 1900 leg irons on her ankles and the hinged model 300 on her wrists. Combined with a sturdy leather prison belt, Tanya is here to stay! Handcuff modelling at its best here at!

November 30th, 2012

Yaaay, it’s Tess Lyndon! One of the cutest girls ever, so we cuffed her in our new pink Peerless series of color plated handcuffs. Pink of course, girls love pink. The handcuffs look a lot like toys, but they are as real as any Peerless models. They are color coated to distinguish between different offender groups in prisons. In this case the offense would be: being too cute, and looking even cuter in a pink hogcuff!!

November 23rd, 2012

Cuffing the hot Satin Bloom is always special: she is very flexible and sexy, and she enjoys posing in handcuffs a lot! We cuff her wrists in a pair of AHC handcuffs, attaching them to her AHC leg irons with a prison issue connector chain. Of course, this does not restrict Satin too much and she can still do a lot of crazy poses. But when we cuffed her behind the back, we quickly added a pair of elbow cuffs, leaving Satin all cuffed up and unable to do much! Very nice!

November 16th, 2012

The crazy YeonYoung is not easily scared, but when we handed her the fearsome RigidStock, she literally said ‘What the fuck?’. But after some studying she actually proceeded to put it on her own neck! It is a really delicate scissor-like operation, which scares the hell out of most models. The neck hole is really small, so you have to be careful not to pinch yourself. But as with all RigidCuffs: when it’s on, it’s on. And that’s what YeonYoung found out, especially after she was handed the padlock keys.

November 9th, 2012

The famous Jenni Czech loves to be handcuffed! You may not believe that, and we have no way to prove it, but she really does! This time we lock this blonde beauty in some really tight cuffs, keeping her wrists and ankles close together! The Pakistani KUB handcuffs and ankle cuffs make sure Jenni is not going anywhere! If you are a bare feet lover, this update is worth checking out! Jenni in rigid KUB cuffs, just… wow…

November 2nd, 2012

We asked cute local girl Raya to model for our website. She did not understand why modelling in handcuffs would be something people would want to see. But after a nice afternoon of working with Raya, she really started to enjoy being cuffed! In fact, she did not want to be released at the end of the shoot! She was particularly interested in the leg irons, trying to walk in them is ‘like in the prison movies!’ she exclaimed. We like her attitude :) And… well, she just looks absolutely hot in LIPS handcuffs.

October 26th, 2012

You have asked to see more of the lovely Nelly! No wonder, because she is a stunningly beautiful girl-next-door type, who looks amazing in handcuffs. Nelly says she is very flexible, so we had to test that using a pair of Hiatt’s model 2060 on her elbows. Of course, a good cuffing would not be complete without restraining her wrists and ankles. About 15 minutes later, the extreme shoulder position started to become a little too much for poor Nelly. She asked ‘can you unlock me?’. So we just unlocked the hinged wrist cuffs, pretending we did not understand she meant the elbow cuffs. Nelly did not think that was funny…

October 19th, 2012

Natalia Forrest, the famous model, is now on! And she loves being handcuffed… or rather, she loves fighting handcuffs! Every time you meet Natalia Forrest, be sure to handcuff her very securely, she is a real escape artist and a fierce struggler! We shackled her beautiful legs in heavy Hiatt Thompson leg irons, and hinge cuffed her wrist in a pair of short Hiatt’s 2050 cuffs. But to be absolutely safe, we also put her in a leather prisoner waist belt to keep her arms to locked to her body. Nice!

October 12th, 2012

Fair maiden Gatitta is back for some more hogcuffing. We hogcuffed her last time, but we figured we could do that again, since she looks so cute in this position! And this time it is a lot harder for her, because we use two pairs of Alcyon hinged handcuffs, one on her wrists and one on her bare ankles. That is tight! We love how Gatitta’s feet look in this large picture set, a really nice set for bare feet and sole lovers! Locked together by a pair of Russian BRS cuffs, the Alcyons make for a pretty effective hogcuffing!

October 5th, 2012

Doll faced Monica loves metal accessories on her wrists! Metal bracelets, watches, and… well handcuffs will be right up her alley! But we are not locking her in handcuffs, we are locking her in a RigidFiddle model ‘8’. Monica is a little afraid at first, but soon she starts to enjoy this strange predicament! We have probably never fiddled a cuter girl! We would love to keep this blonde doll locked in a fiddle forever!