Elizabeth is a local goth submissive who loves a bondage challenge! I showed her my wrist cage (it’s a small one!) and she immediately said: ‘challenge accepted!!’. Well, her wrists were so tight in there she couldn’t move them at all. I didn’t even have to put the padlock on, because she was never going to be able to reach the top to pull the cuffs open. Much to Elizabeth’s frustration… She tried so hard!
As requested: Sylvie is back again! The supermodel with flexible arms! Sylvie is gorgeous and she ‘does not mind’ bondage. That’s great! Her elbows can go all the way together and that even better! Of course, I had to cuff her with a Bagno vise on her elbows. That is the closest metal bondage you can get with cuffs, Sylvie’s elbows are touching! A pair of heavy Irish 8’s on her wrists and she is very helpless in this extreme elbow bondage. Don’t miss this awesome set!
Annika’s first time in cuffs! Cute girl with braces, tight waist chain, hinged handcuffs! This art student from Germany had the time of her life in my studio! Annika is very creative and loves anything that is not standard and a bit quirky. She is amazing in cuffs, and she definitely should be cuffed more often. It’s a great start for her, she is now well on her way to discover bondage and other fascinating fetishes she never tried before!
Anna Lemon is the tiniest model on this website! She definitely needs handcuff helpers (the black plastic inserts you can put in cuffs to make them smaller), or she would be able to slip out. Anna was surprised she couldn’t do her usual trick this time, there was no escape for her during this shoot. I used a pair of regular handcuffs on her ankles (which works perfectly because of her tiny ankles), and then another pair to make a hogcuff. Anna loves wriggling around in steel! She wants to come back over and over again to try my collection…. I just have to be careful to find gear that is secure on her small wrists, neck, and ankles!
Emilia and the huge Invicta watch, everyone seems to love this tiny girl. The fun part is: this time I actually super glued the clasp of the watch, which turned out to be very effective, as she couldn’t remove the watch for 3 days! Why? It is a long story, just email me if you want to know more about this. Meanwhile, Emilia looks great in orange Chicago handcuffs and leg irons! Emilia is very tiny so the cuffs have to be tightened a lot to prevent her from slipping out. I also cuffed her elbows, which was a rather new position for her!
Yelena has quickly become a very popular model. She is hyper flexible, always in for a bit of elbow bondage or even doing splits! Another very popular thing seems to be when she wears her huge gold Michael Kors watch. What you might not know is that she actually owns two of those! I asked her to bring both, so the watch fans will really love this update, where Yelena gets strapped in a leather prison belt. Enjoy!!
You can’t have more fun in life than tiny Marina Gold! This smiley girl was all over my handcuff collection, asking ‘what is this? what is this? what is this?’, wanting to try everything at the same time! Marina never saw so many cuffs in her life! I neck cuffed her, and she liked it a lot! Tiny butterfly cuffs were definitely some of her favorite things from my collection, and linking them to the neck cuff was a surprise to her, but she loved it! A pair of thumbcuffs for good measure and huge fun times were had!
Fun-loving submissive Denise is back again! She’s always in the studio, probably every week! She lives nearly and she just can’t stop dropping in to play with all the gear in the studio. She loves challenges, bondage, vibrators, and milking machines (her own words). Denise is always having fun, she has such great energy! Today, I locked her in heavy scaffolding clamps, and she was amazed at how restrictive they are. They are big and bulky, and they rotate! Denise had a lot of fun figuring out how to escape these, it is almost impossible!
GIC964 - Azul
in Blue box and Connector chain and Peerless model 700 handcuffs and Peerless model 703 leg irons and Waist chainA classic setup for tiny Azul today! She is shackled in a waist chain, leg irons, connector chain, and handcuffs protected by a blue box. There is no escape, even if she had the key! The blue box covers the keyholes of the handcuffs, and the waist chain padlock is behind her back. Azul didn’t mind. She didn’t WANT to escape, she was having way too much fun in her restraints!
Yes!! I finally had Lil Missy in my studio! This UK girl LOVES bondage so much!! And she is super talented and flexible. I just had to try this extreme elbow position TWO pairs of Bagno cuffs on her. A regular pair for her elbows and a small pair for her wrists! There was absolutely no escape for Lil Missy in this position! It was extremely tight (which she loves), with her elbows completely touching in steel bondage. This was awesome! I need to shoot much more content with her, let’s hope she will be back soon!
GIC962 - Emily Addams
in KUB 917 'Irish Eight' lady size handcuffs and KUB 919 darby style leg irons and Rounded slave collarEmily Addams is back again! She is a cute young submissive from Germany, and I like that she is wearing a permanent slave collar. That is so awesome! I showed her some Irish8 cuffs and Emily was fascinated! She really loved the restriction of these cuffs, they keep the wrists very close together and it’s hard to do anything! I even locked her legs in Irish8’s too! Emily is so much fun to have around! If you want to order a custom picture set or video featuring Emily, don’t hesitate to email me!
Please welcome new model Cleo to GirlsInCuffs.com! She is awesome! Very submissive, beautiful, and into all kinds of fetishes, including bondage! I didn’t waste any time and quickly locked her into a pair of handcuffs. Cleo loved posing in cuffs! And she loved it even more when I added a prisoner transport belt, even though it was a lot harder to pose after that. I am definitely going to shoot more updates with Cleo, she is a keeper!
Fun little Lina Roselina is back! She is a fairly local model and she loves to drop by the studio to see if I have anything new and interesting for her to try. Check out her previous updates by clicking here! The RigidSpreader is definitely not new, but it is very interesting!! Lina has very small wrists and ankles, but I don’t think she can escape from this fun device. Lina loved it! She rolled around and had so much fun being stuck in metal!
Tiny Emma Evans is back to try more cuffs! It’s hard to find small cuffs for her, but the butterfly cuffs come in 5 different sizes, and I have them all, even the smallest ones. Even so, it is probably better to add some thumb cuffs so Emma can’t escape, because as you may know, she is not as innocent as she looks! She looks so cute in her blue dress and cuffs!!
The beautiful Coxy in a lot of steel and nice lingerie! Yes, she is locked in a chastity belt too! As she was doing a Chastity Deal for ChastityBabes.com, that couldn’t come off. Neither couldt the collar. But it only adds to her beauty. Coxy just loves bondage, as long as it is stylish! And a pair of Smith & Wessons model 300 hinged handcuffs certainly is! What a stunning girl, she can make anything look good!
Little Lanta!! She is one of my favorite girls to cuff! She is a top level gymnast, so flexible and fun! Look at her in her belly dancer costume! I just had to add a waist chain, it seemed appropriate! What moves can Little Lanta still do in a Peerless waist chain (cuffs on the sides)? Well, you will be amazed! It’s like she isn’t cuffed at all! Don’t miss this awesome picture set!
Aubrey always tries wearing her big watch and lots of bracelets so I can’t cuff her. But it never works. I even managed to get a RigidFiddle on her wrists. I have to say I am a fan of Aubrey’s jewelry (and I know many of you are too), so I don’t really mind! More metal! It seems Aubrey never takes off her watch and bracelets nowadays, so if you order a custom video with her, expect her to wear them! She is a local girl, always available for your custom picture sets and videos! Just email me to order your dream custom with Aubrey!
One of my new local models is the super cute Nina Nightbloom! She doesn’t have much experience with bondage and cuffs, but I am determined to change this in the next months! This girl just NEEDS to be cuffed as often as possible! She looks so good in a pair of heavy Clejuso handcuffs and a heavy leather prisoner transport belt! Nina loved every minute of it, and I am sure she will be back for more soon!
This new leather prisoner belt is the best! It is custom made for small girls, and it has a large D-ring on the front. The cuffs are attached to the sides, but without any chain, so it is very restrictive. Marina Gold is one of the tiniest models ever, and the belt looks so good on her! It is her first shoot for this website, and she immediately fell in love with the restraints. She wants to come back and shoot more updates in cuffs! So much enthusiasm! I have to get her back soon!
Latex Rapture is back and she lives up to her name! She is wearing a latex skirt and top, and even latex gloves! It is so tight and shiny! I just needed to add some metal to her outfit. A nice neck cuff and a pair of hinged Alcyon cuffs look really good with her black latex! This redhead is so kinky! She didn’t want me to take off her cuffs at the end of the shoot, so she kept wearing them in the studio for some hours. Lots of fun to have her around!