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June 9th, 2017

Super model Yasmine is not just drop dead gorgeous, she is also very flexible! Our KUB 120 handcuffs and KUB 922 ankle cuffs are just the perfect restraints to test her flexibility! These cuffs are double sided so they can be locked on very easy, first on one arm, then pulling the other arm in. With regular (one sided) Irish 8 cuffs, it is a lot harder to get a girl into an extreme position like this. Yasmine’s elbows touch because of the tight KUB 922 cuffs, and she looks absolutely stunning! What’s more, because of the rounded edges of these Irish 8’s, she can be in this position for a lot longer!

June 2nd, 2017

Vanessa R is a rising star in the bondage world. She seems to get tied up, gagged, and cuffed everywhere, travelling to anyone who wants to take pictures and videos of her in restraints. She absolutely loves handcuffs! But Vanessa is one of the most slender girls in the world, with crazy thin wrists, and a tiny waist. We can wrap a normal waist chain around her 3 times! And to prevent her slipping out of the handcuffs, we had to use handcuff helpers to make the cuffs smaller. Connecting her wrists to her waist and then to her ankles with a connector chain finally made everything secure enough. This one is hard to cuff!!

May 26th, 2017

Classy girl Aubrey was still not so sure about being cuffed after last time (even though we went really easy on her with just a pair of LIPS handcuffs). This time, we planned a hogcuff position for her, but of course we did not tell her that beforehand. Locked in a cute but sturdy collar, the hesitant Aubrey started posing in pair of hinged Smith and Wesson’s handcuffs. Then some Smith & Wesson’s leg irons were added. Soon her wrists were behind her back, and before she knew it she was on her belly in a hogcuff. ‘What the fuck?’, was all she said. Let’s hope Aubrey will return though, because we have more plans for this blonde beauty!

May 19th, 2017

The beautiful Roxy Mendez from Spain returns to be fiddled! We can’t believe we haven’t locked her into some RigidCuffs until now. Well, today’s update will make it right. And what’s more: we have her in ankle cuffs too! Things even get really complicated for poor Roxy when we decided to use an extra pair of handcuffs to connect her ankle cuffs to her RigidFiddle model ‘8’. She could only sit down or lie down, getting up was impossible. And still, after this shoot, Roxy asked when she could come back for more. That’s why we like her!

May 12th, 2017

A beautiful model from the UK visiting us? You know we love to cuff models in their home cuffs, so it’s speedcuffs for Amber Jayne! She was a little nervous, but she soon got into it when she was trying out different positions and poses in the rigid restraints. These cuffs are not easy to pose in, but Amber did a great job! We love girls in speedcuffs, it just looks so great on their slender wrists! This stunning professional model was impressed by our cuffs collection, and she said she will be back to try some other restraints soon! Let’s hope so!

May 5th, 2017

600 updates! That’s what you will get if you join right now! No hidden rotating galleries or archived content. You will get it all! Please support us if you want to see more new girls in more brands of cuffs! Like local girl Alena, for example. Having tried some LIPS handcuffs with us for, she wanted to try more! She is one of the prettiest local girls we have ever seen. Not a model, just a girl with a huge curiosity and an open mind. Here she is in some hinged handcuffs and thumbcuffs, having the time of her life! We love Alena, she is so much fun!

April 28th, 2017

There is no such thing as too many handcuffs. We had 6 pairs of Peerless 700 cuffs lying around when Izzy Delphine showed up. But we did not want to scare her too much so we started with one pair and had a little fun (in front, behind the back…) with the gorgeous and funny Izzy locked in a custom metal collar as well. After a while, we just happened to add 5 extra pairs of cuffs to her wrists. Izzy was a bit shocked by the amount of metal and the weight, it was limiting her movements in unexpected ways. Still, she carried on posing. We think she actually loves handcuffs. We should invite her over more often to try some other restraints on her!

April 21st, 2017

It’s the wonderful Tiffany again! In her bright yellow lingerie, she will now try the RigidSpreader Jo-2 for all of you. Exciting? Well, Tiffany wasn’t really too sure about this device, but when she was locked into it, she really started to enjoy it. She was rolling around, trying different poses, which is very hard in a RigidSpreader. She also locked herself in a neck cuff before shooting. It was just something she did, we are not sure why. Maybe she thought it would make a nice necklace. Tiffany is a lot of fun, we think we can try a lot more hardware on her!

April 14th, 2017

Little Caprice is a dear friend of our studio. And that’s kind of special, because she does not shoot bondage often, as she is far too famous for that! But with us, Caprice let’s herself get challenged, and she absolutely loves it! Not only is she one of the most famous girls on the internet, she is also super flexible! So it’s time for the ultimate elbow bondage cuffs: the Bagno screw. Can Little Caprice get her elbows all the way together behind her back? Yes, she can, and easily so. Such skills and such cuteness! Of course, we locked a collar on her too, because we like to think we own her… but sadly we don’t. We had to let her go eventually, but she’ll be back for sure!

April 7th, 2017

She is back!! A lot of members requested the return of gorgeous Layla, who was so beautifully cuffed in update 563 and 573 and 586. She always looks stunning, and brings her best outfits. How about this golden bikini! Very nice, and even nicer with some custom made cuffs. A pair of very tight broad manacles and a locking padded collar make her look more like slave Leia! We just love cuffing Layla, and we hope she will be back soon to try some more cuffs (probably a RigidFiddle or RigidStocks?).

March 24th, 2017

UK model Bonnie Bellotti is the next girl we can add to our long list of girls in cuffs! We have been doing this well over 10 years now, and we still have so many girls to go! Even though we have cuffed the most girls on the internet, our goal is to cuff ALL girls, so we are basically never finished! If you are a girl and you have never been cuffed, please contact us! We will happily show you our collection. Meanwhile, enjoy pretty Bonnie in some Peerless handcuffs and leg irons. Pink ones! Bonnie absolutely loved these cuffs!

March 17th, 2017

Tall local girl Anna actually came to us because she knows Anahi from Maybe all handcuff loving girls know each other? Anna is tall, with stunning eyes and a great figure. We didn’t waste any time cuffing her in some hinged cuffs and leg irons. We really got a feeling that she had been cuffed many many times before, because Anna was very calm and kept posing like it was the most normal thing in the world. Even a hogcuff position did not throw her off, she was so confident and beautiful! She might be more dominant than submissive, but we got her in cuffs today, for you to enjoy!

March 10th, 2017

It’s Satin Bloom in a RigidFiddle! And Smith & Wesson’s model 1900 leg irons! How can you beat that on a Friday afternoon, an awesome picture set to watch! Satin has been with us for years, and cuffs never scared her one bit. She is always cheerful, always happy, and she still has the most amazing body ever! Her legs are super flexible, and she is just super pretty. One of the web’s most famous girls locked in a RigidFiddle, that’s always good. There’s no escape for her of course, but she doesn’t mind at all, Satin is having way too much fun!

March 3rd, 2017

Look at 18-year old Noa in her USA bikini!! She is just so curious! This was her first time in handcuffs, and she enjoyed every minute of it. Actually, she had been writing us for years, but we told her she had to wait. Noa patiently waited for the day she would get invited to our studios to be locked in cuffs! Her slender wrists and neck are perfect for some of our metal gear. We locked her into a custom padded collar and a pair of handcuffs and leg irons. From there, we proceeded with elbow cuffs, and a hogcuff of course! Noa will be back for much more, she just loves cuffs so much!!

February 24th, 2017

Possibly the most amazing shoot we have ever done! We cuffed Stella Cox! The most famous adult starlet on the net today, Stella isn’t just cute and beautiful, she is a very nice person and an absolute pleasure to shoot! And even better: she is incredibly flexible! Only a few girls can be elbow cuffed in the KUB 914 Bagno arm screw, can you believe Stella is one of them?! This is amazing! She looks so stunning in her yellow lingerie, effortlessly elbow cuffed, wrists locked in Irish 8. One of our favorite shoots ever, don’t miss it!

February 17th, 2017

Visiting the local hairdresser here in the Netherlands, this girl immediately caught my eye. I love local girls! Aubrey is stunning, and I started imagining how good she would look in a pair of Dutch handcuffs, wearing nothing but some sexy lingerie. So I asked her if she wanted to do a shoot. Most girls do, until they hear it’s a shoot with handcuffs, but Aubrey wasn’t scared. She said: ‘Sure, that sounds like fun!’. So a few days later, I had my hairdresser in LIPS handcuffs and lingerie. Funny how life works. Don’t be afraid, just ask your local shop girl to try some cuffs and you will be surprised!

February 10th, 2017

Jenni C is back!! Finally, we get to lock her in cuffs again! She is definitely one of our most popular models. Funny thing is, Jenni C has never been locked in Clejuso heavy handcuffs! It’s time to change that now! As a little surprise, we don’t have just 1 pair of Clejuso heavy weight cuffs, but TWO pairs, which we use in devious ways to stop her from running away. Poor Jenni is completely helpless, just the way we like to see her!

February 3rd, 2017

New girl Maike loves metal on her wrists apparently! Look at her huge watch and stack of bangle bracelets! Well if she loves metal so much, we have something to add: a pair of nice and tight Peerless model 700 handcuffs will go perfectly with all that silver. Maike wasn’t too sure, she said she loved metal but not having her hands cuffed together. Well, we had a very slow and (not very good) photographer for this set (he was fired), so Maike spent all afternoon in these cuffs. She may never return again, but we still have the pictures!

January 27th, 2017

Layla is back! She is a fan favorite, so we try to get her back as often as we can! Remember her other shoots? She is just great, and she is local! Looking awesome as ever in a shiny bikini, Layla was very curious what we would have in store for her this time. Well, how about clamping her hands into some heavy modern scaffolding clamps? These clamps rotate, so she has a little bit of freedom, but they are still pretty severe! They look great on Layla’s slender wrists, with her perfect hands and nails! Great shoot!

January 20th, 2017

Whenever Lauren Crist is back at, we always ask her to pose in lingerie. What a body this girl has! She is so fit! Perfect sizes too! The heavy steel KUB 140 mitts fit her wrists exactly, so there is no escape from them. Lauren thought these things are a bit strange, but they are a perfect device for girls that love to fiddle around with keys and locks. This way there won’t be any escapes, even if she finds a key. And a key she will need, because we also locked her in THREE pairs of handcuffs. Just for good measure. That’s quite a lot of weight!