GIC011 - Cerridwen
in Clejuso 15 heavy weight handcuffs and Deutsche Polizei form C handcuffs and Hiatt's model #2050 handcuffs and US Fosco Stell Inc thumbcuffsAs promised: a stunning set of Cerridwen wearing a black gothic schoolgirl uniform complete with prison striped stockings! We used 3 pairs of handcuffs and a pair of thumbcuffs to restrain her. Cerridwen is a great model, she portrays a whole range of emotions: from innocent schoolgirl to angry goth girl (putting the hinged Deutsche Polizei cuffs on her elbows gave her an angry frown because her arms were completely immobilized). There are also quite a few self-cuffing pictures in this set, like the ones where she locks the heavy weight Clejuso cuffs on her ankles :) Oh, and if that isn’t enough to convince you: this set is DOUBLE size (150 pictures)!