New girl Ksenia is very expressive and a little dramatic :) Don’t worry, she is just having fun! This tiny girl easily fits into the authentic RigidStock TL (made by Martin). Ksenia was having a lot of fun posing in this contraption, although she got a little annoyed that her usual frantic movements were restricted. It’s the perfect way to calm down this hyperactive girl!
A little frail and shy, Ivy Red is still very interested in trying bondage gear and metal cuffs. She didn’t expect me to bring out this intimidating device though. The RigidStock TL is quite scary and very limiting! Ivy did great, she got used to it very quickly. Her pleading eyes really ask the key holder to let her out… could you resist? Or would you let her out?
Gorgeous River, one of my new resident models. And by resident I mean she is in the studio every week! She runs around looking at the collection, asking millions of questions, and gets herself stuck quite often, playing with things she shouldn’t be touching. This week, River asked the unavoidable ‘what is this thing’ question, when holding the RigidStocks TL. As usual, I told her it can only be explained by demonstrating. So River ended up in this device for an hour or so. She had a lot of fun, except when she tried to go through doorways. River is available for custom picture sets and videos!!
Alba Zevon! She is back and this time she is going to test the RigidStock TL. It is the original, made by Martin, and it is a perfect size for small ladies like Alba! She just loves trying new cuffs, especially ones that are very restrictive, because she is a genuine bondage lover! Alba had a lot of fun running around the studio in the RigidStock, except when she needed to go through doorways. I want to keep Alba forever, she is one of the best bondage models and a really awesome girl, especially when she is restrained!
Cherry English has never been on this website? Wow, she comes to the studio all the time, I don’t know why she was never featured on Let’s change that by locking her in the RigidStocks. Cherry looked a bit scared and confused at first. It is a huge device, and it makes you very helpless. But after a while, she really enjoyed this restrictive position. Cherry is a real life submissive, so being helpless really is exciting to her! So much fun to spend an afternoon with her like this!
After her last shoot with the heavy SwedishCollar, I had a feeling Alexandra would soon be back for more. And today you can see her in another shoot, with more confidence than before! I think she loves metal now, and she knows what to expect from a GirlsInCuffs shoot. I locked her into the awesome RigidStock TL (the real one from Martin’s, not a reproduction), and Alexandra was very impressed by the device. She really couldn’t do anything, this device makes a girl very vulnerable! But she wore it with style and a great attitude. You will love this update!
The incredible Darina Nikitina is back! Remember when we locked her in some epic cuffs last time? That was about 4 years ago! But now she is back, and more beautiful than ever! Time to get this fun loving Russian girl into some serious gear! What about the RigidStock TL? This is not a reproduction, this is the original RigidStock from Martin, and it’s is such a great design in the best manufacturing quality! Darina was not scared at all, she had lots of fun in this device! Don’t miss this funny picture set, you will love it!
We are certainly having a lot of fun with girlfriends Isis and Sabine! They want to try more of our gear whenever they stop by the studio, and it is fun to see them discover all of our restraints. Sabine (the brunette) actually only wants to put her friend Isis (blonde) in cuffs, but we have a rule here: all girls must be restrained all the time! Sabine might be a dominant, in our studio she gets treated the same as Isis, which means they both get locked in RigidCuffs today! A RigidFiddle for Sabine and the super happy Isis got to try the RigidStock TL!
Finally we have got Spanish adult star Liz Rainbow on our site!! We have been trying to get her in restraints for a while, she seems to love bondage and fetish, so we really wanted to add her to our list of famous girls we have cuffed! Today, we can show you the shoot we did with her! Of course, she was really interested in the most inescapable gear, so we brought out our Martin’s RigidStock TL for her to try! She was locked into it in no time, and we just tossed her the key to see her try to reach the padlocks. Of course, it’s impossible, but we had a lot of fun and Liz was sooo happy in the stocks! She was just born to be restrained, what a fun girl!
Cute neighborhood girl Roxy is back! She sometimes just walks into the studio to have a chat or steal some candy. Always fun to see her! She is just so unassuming, in her little dress and sneakers. We thought we would lock her into the RigidStocks, just to see her reaction. Roxy thought it was a lot of fun being restrained in a very rigid position. It was even more fun when we gave her the keys and told her we wouldn’t let her out unless she could escape by herself. Which is impossible of course. That was a great afternoon! (Roxy is always available for custom videos)

Ashley Bulgari has been with us for over 7 years! She has been locked in so many of our cuffs, but not in the RigidStock TL yet! Time to change this! The sultry blonde was amazed by how restrictive this device is. She really couldn’t do anything but stand there with her hands up. Great view of her figure, even though she seemed a bit angry about how vulnerable she was. We gave her the key to make her happy again, but she got even more angry when she found out it was impossible to escape. The inevitable middle finger appeared again, as with so many girls locked in the RigidStock TL.

Jade Samantha wanted to try our RigidStocks. Well, we are not sure if she reaaaaally wanted to, but she was curious. And we have to say, they are an EXACT fit for her. We have never seen such a perfect tight fit of the RigidStocks! Jade was perfectly stuck! The wrist inserts can turn, and that was about all she could manage to do. She was struggling and turning, but there was no escape for her, not even with the keys. She was the most stuck of all girls we had in the RigidStocks so far! What a beautiful sight!

Tall Ukranian beauty Viktoriya was in Amsterdam for fashion week, looking for a few more photo shoots when she saw our casting. It’s probably not what she expected from a photo shoot, but she did a great job modelling the RigidStock TL! She is one of the faces of a very popular brand, so please don’t tell anyone you saw her here too ;) We love getting famous models over to try some cuffs! It’s all very innocent, so why not?

When famous Australian bondage model Cobie was in town, we invited her over of course! We couldn’t just let her get away without getting restrained for! Surprisingly enough, she showed up in a locked chastity belt, which turned out to be her OWN chastity belt. She was wearing it for 8 days straight as part of a deal she made with Very awesome! We loved locked metal! But we had to add a little bit more, so we locked her in the RigidStock TL! And Cobie loved it of course! What a girl!

Again, a very famous model on!! Yes, that is correct: this is UK number 1 adult star Tina Kay visiting our headquarters! Tina wanted to see our collection and play with some of the handcuffs, but she did not expect us to bring out the big toys! Tina Kay locked in a RigidStock, that will be a fantasy of a lot of men! She did not want to stay locked in the stocks for very long, so we gave her the keys. That made her even more frustrated and angry! She needs to get used to being restrained, she is always in control, but we think she liked it (after we let her out), so let’s hope she will come back for more!

I’m very proud to have Jenni C on my site. This girl is one of the most famous glamour girls of the past decade and she is still going strong. Very gorgeous, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a lot of fun to work with! Don’t you just love it when you can say to a girl like Jenni: “Hey, here’s a RigidStock, how about you put it on your own neck and I’ll help you with the wrist cuffs!”. Jenni loves bondage things, and she spent a lot of time in these stocks during this shoot. She complained a little, but it was all fun and games!

The amazing playmate Coxy in a RigidStock TL! Completely helpless and defenseless! So much gorgeousness in tight rigid metal! Coxy is up for just about anything, even though she is a fashion and glamour model, she just loves crazy stuff like this. Posing in these heavy stocks is fun to her! And it is fun for us (viewers) too, until the moment we have to let her out… so we took extra time to shoot this one! Coxy was in the stocks for over an hour!

Will our new model Birdy Dee from Scotland fit into a RigidStock TL? Why not, you ask… Well, she is a super tall blonde, which means her neck and wrists should be bigger as well. Strangely enough, the stock was an easy fit for Birdy, much to her dismay. We kept her in it for almost an hour, in which she found out that you can not open a RigidStock, even if you have the keys to the padlocks! This is a very real and very hot update with a gorgeous fashion model! All tall fashion models should be in a stock, really. Think of the beautiful sights that would give on the catwalk!

Super flexible US model Sarah Jain returns to try out our RigidStock TL! With a body like Sarah Jain’s, this can only result in some incredible pictures. Her posing energy isn’t stopped by the stock, not at all! Sarah struggles like her life depends on it, even though she probably knows she will never get out of this rigid masterpiece created by Martin! We love seeing models completely unable to escape, and Sarah Jain seems rather defenseless. Still, don’t get too close to her, she might knock you out with this RigidStock!

Tanya! She is not afraid of anything, so it is easy to guess what is next for her! The awesome RigidStock TL would probably fit her nicely. Opening it, Tanya looks a little scared, because she is basically going to put a giant pair of scissors on her neck. Once the stocks are safely locked though, nothing can happen, they can not tighten, the wrists are free to turn (thanks to the clever inserts) and it is even safer than using handcuffs! The stocks are non-adjustable, but we have a lady size one of course, and Tanya will happily spend the rest of the afternoon in it! No problem at all for this bondage babe!