GIC064 - Melanie and Melissa
in Connector chain and Peerless model 300 handcuffs and Peerless model 500 handcuffs and Peerless model 503 leg irons and Peerless model 505 leg ironsRemember Melissa from the XMas update? She is back!! And she brought her best friend Melanie!! Two girls in our studio, that requires a lot of Peerless… Fortunately we have a lot of Peerless! Mel & Mel get busy with the Peerless 300 and 500 handcuffs, as well as the Peerless 503 and 505 legirons! Interlocked arms, connector chain, legironed together, and (by member request): arresting each other! You have to see this set! Join now to see all 81 pictures in this great set!!