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April 22nd, 2011

New girl Lisa is a skater chick. She is very shy about posing, but she loves handcuffs, so she decided to come over anyway. She may not be a model, but her expression in these great Deutsche Polizei and LIPS handcuffs is so cute! Only 18 years old, Lisa knows what she wants: she wants to be a Girl In Cuffs! Witness this first time cuffing in this great picture update, especially if you love skater chicks!

January 28th, 2011

We had a visit from Teresa, a bikini model from Brasil! She is an artist too, dancing, breathing fire, Teresa does it all. Her friend (who wants to remain anonymous) is one of the world’s top female fighters, and she actually has prisoner handling experience. What a duo! Teresa has no chance when she gets arrested in this update, the LIPS handcuffs are on her wrists in no time! After the arresting procedure, her friend teases her with the keys, but would not let her go for over 3 hours, we love this strict mistress!

December 24th, 2010

It’s time for that age old tradition again (well, since 2005): a Christmas update on! Our lovely new model Kiara is your submissive Santa girl this year! Blonde Kiara looks so hot in her little Xmas dress and two pairs of our favorite handcuffs: LIPS of course! Feel free to use this picture for your Xmas card (please keep the url on the picture), to wish your friends and loved ones a merry cuffed Christmas! Get creative :-) wishes you very nice holidays, and a big thanks to our members (past and present) who supported us and made it possible to put so many girls in handcuffs!

November 19th, 2010

How many things can we do with 3 pairs of handcuffs and 1 Jinny? A lot! We had so much fun this photo shoot, cuffing Jinny to a chair, cuffing her ankles, wrists to ankles, cuffing her wrists parallel and stacked at the same time, cuffing her in a straitjacket position, and generally just putting those 3 pairs of big solid LIPS handcuffs on Jinny. She is a great sport, you would not expect this lady to be into handcuffs as much as she is. Let’s hope she will be back, we can’t wait to try something more extreme!!

August 20th, 2010

250 updates! Almost five years of handcuffed girls! And we are not done yet. Why stop when you are having fun :-) The girls still love to come to us and get handcuffed, and most importantly: YOU still seem to love! So let’s celebrate with an update of one of our all-time favorite models: the ever stylish and cheerful Adinda! We cuffed her in many positions using 6 pairs of LIPS and Deutsche Polizei handcuffs! The last position was especially creative, so we thought we’d make that one into an escape video. This will make you smile :-)

plus bonus video!

July 30th, 2010

When Lau and Mau arrived at GiC headquarters, we immediately knew 2 new stars were born :-) You don’t have to be a model to be on our website, you just have to know how to have fun! Forget about the posing (okay, they tried), these girls love to fool around and tease each other. A little shy at first, but they did a great job considering it was the first time they ever touched handcuffs. Next time they will undoubtfully be much less shy, we can’t wait for more fooling around! Let’s get them some feedback and requests for their next shoot!

May 28th, 2010

We had some nice member requests for Kim, who appeared a while ago in GIC226. One of the requests was Kim in our favorite handcuffs, something we just can’t refuse! Kim was happy to return to be cuffed in our LIPS and Deutsche Polizei handcuffs, in all kinds of poses: in front, behind her back, wrists to ankles, 3 pairs on her wrists, and of course the famous wrist-ankle-ankle-wrist position. We always end with that one, because it’s fun to toss the keys in and see what happens ;-)

plus bonus video!

November 27th, 2009

Sjudith has been modelling for us for over 3 years. Recently, she called us and asked if she could bring a friend to shoot some pictures in our handcuffs. Felicia had apparently liked Sjudith’s previous pictures so much that she had to get in on the action! We like girls who want to be handcuffed, and fortunately their number seems to be growing. Soon we won’t have to search for models at all, they will all come to us to play with our collection and get ‘some of those fun pics’.

November 6th, 2009

We get many requests for our ‘3 pairs of LIPS handcuffs’ updates. We like them as well! Dutch girls in Dutch cuffs can’t be bad! This week, Rachel is our victim. We cuff her in many positions, front and back, wrists parallel, stacked, three pairs at once, wrists to ankles, and of course… wrist to ankles to wrist! We finish with this evil predicament and give Rachel the keys. She loves a challenge, and she is not going to give up easily! Will she get out? Don’t forget to check the HD video!

plus bonus video!

September 18th, 2009

Sometimes we are almost afraid to let the model out of her handcuffs. Dutch national ladies boxing champion and former kick boxer Maxine is the tallest model ever on at 1.85 meters (6’1″) tall… So it’s probably a good thing she handcuffed with our favorite trusty LIPS handcuffs. Maxine turned out to be a very gentle and nice girl to work with, but just to make sure we added two extra pairs of handcuffs and we locked them on nice and tight. Afraid? Just taking precautions ;-)

August 28th, 2009

Asian supermodel Davon is a tiny girl. She has very thin wrists, elbows, and ankles. Normally that would be good thing if you want to escape handcuffs, but when you come to, you know that having a slender body means being put into positions the other models just can’t do. Like three pairs of LIPS handcuffs on your elbows. Or both wrists in one cuff. And especially unique: a hogcuffing with both wrists in one cuff! Davon is a good sport about all this, she is flexible and loves tough challenge!

July 3rd, 2009

Nora can kill with her smile. And she smiles a lot! But not all the time, as she tends to frown after each time we put her in a new position. It seems like it takes her a while to study her new predicament, and then the smile returns. The LIPS cuffs can be applied in many different positions, so we get to work straight away in this shoot with a lot of recuffing. Nora is especially puzzled when her wrists are stacked behind her back using three pairs of LIPS handcuffs. Even sitting around isn’t easy at first, but then she works it out… and she smiles…

May 15th, 2009

We have a lot of German visitors on, and they are always nice and very supportive. So we would like to do something back for them. How about a real German model! Maria is from Germany and she just loves to be cuffed. And what about the handcuffs? Well, Deutsche Polizei handcuffs of course!! We grabbed a few from our collection (some LIPS too) and started to cuff Maria. The combined weight is about 3 kilos :-) After letting Maria unlock all those cuffs herself, we tried some more fun positions, like cuffing her wrists in front parallel and stacked (very strange) and four pairs behind her back in a stacked position. Maria kommt wieder, no doubt about that!

April 17th, 2009

Give a novice model a pair of handcuffs and tell her to cuff herself. You’d say there is a 50% chance she will put the keyholes on the wrong side. We have found (through extensive research) that the odds are closer to 99% :-) In this week’s update, Angela cuffs herself, and then tries to unlock the cuffs. Simple enough… but she couldn’t do it. After some time, we decided that Angela would be better off in plastic riot handcuffs, wrists behind her back. At least she doesn’t need a key to get out of those ;-)

February 27th, 2009

Inspired by last week’s update, we were thinking of ways to put even more weight on slender wrists. So when Mayke came to our head quarters, we tried locking her into 7 pairs of LIPS / Deutsche Polizei hancuffs! A combined weight of 2.4 kilos! After shooting for fifteen minutes, Mayke’s arms were getting really tired, she could barely lift them. She finished the shoot anyway, since Mayke is a real trooper and she will do any member requests or crazy ideas we throw at her. Besides, it was a great workout!

October 10th, 2008

Apparently, something about 6 pairs of handcuffs is insanely funny to Danielle and Suzanne. At the end of the shoot, these sisters were completely exhausted from laughing till they cried. It’s great to see models have so much fun in handcuffs! There are a lot of member favorites in this update: 2 models, a lot of fun, Lips / Deutsche Polizei handcuffs, sneakers, bare feet, hugging, and much more! Definitely worth checking out all 123 pictures!!

September 26th, 2008

Michèlle is the perfect girl for She is very limber (international karate champion) and she has a lot of professional experience with Lips handcuffs. Time to put her to the test! Michèlle is the only model to suggest all her positions to US! She can get out of almost any position, even when the keyholes are facing the wrong side. Fortunately, she can only get out when you give her the key, but we have to make sure to tighten the cuffs properly or she still wriggles her way out! Only the elbow and the two-wrists-in-one-cuff positions defeated Michèlle this time :-) More of her soon!!

July 18th, 2008

Aaaah Bianca :-) She’s a good old favorite on this website, with a lot of updates under her belt… So it’s time for the famous ‘El-Marino’ position, three pairs of cuffs, wrist to ankle to ankle to wrist, you can’t go wrong with that one!! Bianca loves modelling for us, she’s always smiling and happy to try new things. We did a lot of different cuffing positions in this shoot, as well as giving her the keys to escape the cuffs behind her back. Classic update! :-)

May 16th, 2008

Aaah, our favorite handcuffs and some of our favorite restraining positions. But who to invite back? We did not have to think for long, since Mascha practically invited herself back to do another shoot with us! Who could say no to cuffing this long-haired, big-eyed fashion model? Especially hogcuffing her, which made for some very similar pictures since she could not move much at all. And then there’s the famous El Marino position (wrist-ankle-ankle-wrist) and giving Mascha the key *evil grin*. Great fun!!

February 8th, 2008

We told you Sammie was fun loving… well, we found out she’s just crazy! :-) She keeps moving, wriggling, challenging and being silly even when handcuffed in a pair of Dutch police standard issue Lips handcuffs. So we added 3 pairs more… and 2 pairs of Deutsche Polizei handcuffs… still no luck in slowing her down, even though the weight on her arms was considerable. So in the end we had to cuff her to a chair using all 6 pairs of cuffs to get her to stay put. We’re just glad she didn’t break the chair!

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