November 22nd, 2019
Gorgeous Stephanie Bonham Carter is back! In her pretty lingerie, she shows off some Peerless handcuffs and a pair of heavy Hiatt Thompson leg irons. She is so beautiful! Of course, we had to hogcuff her in the end! It was her first hogcuff, she said. And she actually liked the helplessness of the simple act of looping the leg irons through the handcuffs. Hogcuffs are fun! Especially with beautiful girls!

This is the second time I’ve seen Stephanie. The first time I saw her seemed to be in March of this year. She posed in a red dress. In the photo it was perfectly visible how tightly the handcuffs on her hands were tightened and how she writhed in them clenching her teeth in some shots. The girl is very flexible and beautiful. I really wanted to see her in panties. Today, November 22, my dream came true. She’s helpless in her underwear and handcuffs…. She’s all in my power and I can do anything with her. Those who like to watch girls squirm in handcuffs and panties will love this story. It’s worth seeing!