GIC591 - Noa
in Custom locking metal collar and Peerless model 700 handcuffs and Peerless model 703 leg ironsLook at 18-year old Noa in her USA bikini!! She is just so curious! This was her first time in handcuffs, and she enjoyed every minute of it. Actually, she had been writing us for years, but we told her she had to wait. Noa patiently waited for the day she would get invited to our studios to be locked in cuffs! Her slender wrists and neck are perfect for some of our metal gear. We locked her into a custom padded collar and a pair of handcuffs and leg irons. From there, we proceeded with elbow cuffs, and a hogcuff of course! Noa will be back for much more, she just loves cuffs so much!!