GIC572 - Vina
in Chicago neck cuff and KUB 917 'Irish Eight' lady size handcuffs and Peerless model 700 handcuffsYoung Vina can be cuffed in any position, even tough ones, because she genuinely loves cuffs! She is a kinky blonde UK girl, and she has been writing us forever to come back again for more cuffing. We had this idea of doing a stacked wrists position in the Irish 8 and then attaching them to her neck cuff. It was a very hard position, Vina had to keep her hands up high to avoid choking herself, and that’s hard with stacked wrists! But don’t worry, she loved it, as always, and she has already asked to come back for even more. If you know a hard position for Vina’s next time, please don’t hesitate to comment!