GIC410 - Little Caprice
in American Handcuff Company JN-105 juvenile and American Handcuff Company L-100 leg ironsThe question is: is Little Caprice really that little? The answer: yes she is! We had to get out or American Handcuff Company JN-105 juvenile handcuffs, they’re extra small so Caprice could not escape them! One of the most famous teen stars on the internet, Little Caprice is a dangerously cute tiny girl with huge eyes! And we love hogcuffing tiny girls with huge eyes, because of the way they look up at the camera, completely helpless on their stomach on the floor! Little Caprice hogcuffed! You thought you’d never see the day, but check out the picture set: the day has finally come!

Little caprice can you come over bring your handcuffs please