GIC265 - Lau and Mau
in Hiatt Thompson leg irons and Peerless model 303 leg irons and Peerless model 5002 waist chain and Smith & Wesson's model 1800 waist chainDid we ever tell you where we found these two girlfriends? They were working behind the cash register at a local supermarket. We are sure all of you have had fantasies about your local supermarket girls in handcuffs. So did we, so we just asked them to model for our website. This is their second shoot, and they are really getting used to the cuffs now. There was a lot of joking around as we cuffed Laura and Maureen (or Lau and Mau as they call themselves) in waist chains and leg irons. For instance, they found out it’s hard to drink a soda… or defend yourself from being pinched… Enjoy this extra large set!