GIC058 - Bianca
in G.F. Cake thumbcuffs and Jay Pee thumbcuffs and Smith & Wesson's model 1800 waist chainIn this update, Bianca shows us what to do with a waistchain and two pairs of thumbcuffs. The waistchain was requested a lot by our members and so were thumbcuffs, so we thought: why not combine them :-) Cuffing two thumbs to Bianca’s waistchain was fun, and there was more, like thumbcuffs in front and behind the back (while in the waistchain) and even some big toe cuffing! We hope fans of waistchains, thumbcuffs or bare feet will love this one! Don´t forget check out the 2005 Xmas bonus set of Blossom in the member´s section now!