GIC004 - Blackillusion
in Hiatt's model #2050 handcuffs and Hiatt's model #2060 handcuffs and Peerless model 400 handcuffs and Peerless model 500 handcuffs and US Fosco Stell Inc thumbcuffsNovember 28th, 2005
Yet another new model at GirlsInCuffs! 18-year old gothic girl Blackillusion always wears lots of bracelets, rings and spikes, so we thought some handcuffs and thumbcuffs would look really nice on her wrists and thumbs! Blackillusion is a very flexible girl, the Hiatt’s #2060 fit her elbows easily, even in front! This extra large picture set has lots of elbow (front and back) pictures, multiple handcuff pictures and of course Blackillusion’s very pretty face!